The press Conference of the project “Move 4 All”, co-funded by the European Union with the patronage of the Municipality of Varese, was held this morning. Move 4 All is a project initiated by Ballafon, a Social Cooperative in Varese (Italy) and it was made possible thanks to the European Commission’s grant “Sport as a Tool for the Integration and Social Inclusion of Refugees”. The press conference was held to present the project to local citizens and authorities, the press and local organizations. Ballafon representatives, Director Luca dal Ben and R&D Manager Samantha Caccamo explained the project activities, objectives and values. We thank the Councillor of Social Policies of the Municipality of Varese, Roberto Molinari and Danilo Gravinese from the Council of Sports for participating in this event. Thank you to the parish priest, Don Carlo Garavaglia for making the football field of the Church of Biumo Inferiore available for the tournament and for his support.